Nice Swim – January 2024

27/01/2024: 12:02-12:32 almost 3 months of no swimming, it’s a cold shock when you get in, but so good to be back in water! Sunny day, water temperature 14.4°C air 14°C energy 1KJ wind SSW 5km/h wave SW 0.1m calm but a bit rippling when returning. Chatted with Martine in the water for a few seconds. Piotr was splashing in the water when I arrived, nothing changed 😉

28/01/2024: 10:20-10:50 water 14.4°C air 14°C sunny energy 7kJ wind NNE 5km/h wave E 0.5m calm and clear. Couples of people in the water, but no one I know.

31/01/2024: 11:25-11:55 water 14.4°C air 11 sunny wave S 0.2m 5s energy 5kJ wind E 5km/h glass but water is not crystal clear as the previous days. Martine was in the water, the Eurasian couple was getting ready with their wetsuits. Piotr came in when I was almost coming out of the water. Another guy was trying to dip in, but not enough courage 💪

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